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Christian Atrocities throughout History:
This is a subject that can not be ignored, overlooked or explained away, and sadly may still be continuing in my lifetime based upon internet sites I've seen.
Nor can "Christians" use atrocities permitted by ALL religions on others and Christians be an excuse for what was done by the church throughout history.
Nor can it be said that those "Christians" who committed crimes against others be defined as "non Christians", even though it is hard to say they were "followers of Jesus".
First, we need to separate the life of Jesus and His teachings as recorded in the Bible, from the actions of misguided individuals who misunderstood the true teaching of Jesus and followed a perversion of the scripture which resulted in many horrible acts often in the "name" of Christ.
Jesus lived a life of loving everyone while proclaiming the kingdom of God.
jesus was the ultimate example of  NON VIOLENCE and PEACE.
Jesus taught, "You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."
Jesus lived at peace with all, was meek, humble, forgiving but was uncompromising in the message He proclaimed.
Jesus' first statment in his first recorded sermon was "Blessed are the Peace makers..." Matthew 5:3
Jesus, a few statements later, said it was sin(bad karma) to even be "angry without cause".
Paul, Jesus greatest disciple taught, "live peaceably with ALL men".
Paul also taught, "Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law (good karma)."
Paul was killed by Romans for such teachings.
Jesus did only good(good karma) with many instances of healing people of different dieases, raised people from dead, calmed the stormy seas and performed miracles that no one else can duplicate like walk on water, turn water into wine, feed thousands with 5 little loaves of bread and 2 small fish. Jesus cast out demons, healed by being touched, raised Lazarus from grave after four days in grave. All of this was done in plain view of followers and skeptics.
jesus never failed to help anyone, never ignored anyone, never failed to heal when could. Jesus obeyed all the Jewish laws but was accused of "breaking" Jewish laws. He never broke any Jewish law or Roman law.
There was no SIN(bad karma) in his 33 years on Earth.
Jesus said, "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you”.  Jesus allowed the Jewish leaders to arrest him, allowed the Jewish leaders and Roman leader to hold "kangaroo courts" to falsely accuse him of crimes he never did. Even Pilate said, "I find no fault in him", but  still commanded Jesus to be crucified.
In all this, Jesus never protested or offered any defense. In fact, Jesus did not speak at all except to answer a couple questions by Pilate. See John chapter 18
So the message of the early church was NON VIOLENCE and PEACE. Most of the early believers were martyred by Romans. They were burned to death, killed by animals, killed by sword and spear. Even today Christians are being killed by ISIS in horrible ways.
Christians are not the only ones of suffer and sadly there are too many examples of "Christians?" in the name of Jesus being the ones who were the aggressors.
This was NEVER the teaching of Jesus or the early church, but seems to have begun when Roman emperor, Constantine(312 AD) became a "Christian"  and made the church in Rome the state church. He soon was forcing people to be "Christian" and soon many people became "Christian" in name only without any commitment to Jesus. Soon church leadership was more political then spiritual.  This led to the "church" replacing Christ "following Jesus" as the most important goal in individual lives. People had little access to the Bible and accepted what they were told and trusted those who were "supposedly" teaching what Jesus taught. Even today, there are millions of professing Christians who trust what their church says, rather then follow what the Jesus taught as recorded in the Bible.
This, of course, is a very simplified and brief description of how the church could actually do the opposite of what the Bible taught yet think they were serving God. The history of the church is very disturbing with the horrific actions against, Jews, Islam, Hindu's and even against other Christian's who did not agree with those in power.
The history of the church is well documented on the internet.
Don't let the church's history negatively influence you.
Jesus wants to give YOU release, rest, salvation (moksha) from the burden of your trying to do more good karma then bad karma in order to end (samsara) and reach the ultimate goal.
Consider His teachings, His Life, His Miracles, His Offer to You.
Only Jesus, lived, died and came back from dead and showed what really IS AHEAD for His followers.
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